GenCon: The Rest of It, 2014 edition
So I did day 1, and then GenCon happened, so now I'm doing a recap, because seriously. There's not enough time in the world.
Friday: So Friday was a big booth day for me. I spent most of my day there meeting people and selling stuff. Seriously, we had a great booth that had very little downtime for the whole con -- I'm thrilled with the Indie Game Showcase and how successful it was. In the afternoon, I left the booth and went to a panel on "Intro to RPG Design" run by Mark Richardson, whose game Headspace is currently being playtested with an eye to release soonish. Very pretty, I have to say.
Anyway, the panel was well attended and well received. We were able to give some suggestions on moving from idea to design and design to game. I think we may have been too broad in terms of what people might have expected to be covered, but it worked out well and people said they appreciated it.
Following the panel, though, I had to high-tail it over to the JW. We all ate briefly at the Crowne Plaza, then Matt walked his cake over to the JW because I couldn't carry it (seriously, it was massive) and we followed behind, because it was time for his 40th birthday party! We had a great turnout and the rooms at the JW (and the food!) were awesome. Matt got all manner of drinkables and played games and chatted with people, and it was just really all we could have wanted. Thanks to everyone who joined us or wished they could have. :)
Saturday: Saturday I worked in the booth a bit, but I started off the day with my "GMing as Women" panel, which was really well attended and turned out to be a fantastic event. If you're a woman and you're interested in GMing, you should do that! We are, and it's awesome. Look for a repeat performance next year, possibly split into social group-management aspects and game-related aspects.
From there I did a couple of short stints in the booth and hung out with my long-term bestie, Nicole, who came up for a couple of days with her friend Derek. It was so very good to see her again -- I've missed her like whoa. I wish we could have spent more time together, but we had booked an event that evening as we didn't know when she'd be in town exactly. It's okay, though -- we'll be doing it again soon.
After a quick dinner and parting hugs with Nicole, we went off to play Ragnarok: Fate of the Norns, which is a totally amazing game. It's rune based, and the graphic design is not only beautiful, but it's integral to the play experience. I cannot say enough how amazing this game is -- you should buy it, flat out. The game was really good, even if I was really tired by this point, and I enjoyed it immensely. From there we went back and crashed.
So Sunday morning I opened the booth while Matt ran his traditional Sunday morning game of Clay-o-rama for the kids track. We had a good opening run, and I handed off booth duties at noon, just in time for Matt and I to get lunch and go shopping!
This is a picture of our haul. We did a decent amount of shopping, and I was pretty thrilled with all the stuff we picked up. We wanted to get 7 Wonders, but they were sold out apparently by then, so we did without. I'm particularly excited by Atomic Robo -- everything I've seen from that I'm loving, and I plan to run it at some point. Yay games! Yay GenCon! :)
Friday: So Friday was a big booth day for me. I spent most of my day there meeting people and selling stuff. Seriously, we had a great booth that had very little downtime for the whole con -- I'm thrilled with the Indie Game Showcase and how successful it was. In the afternoon, I left the booth and went to a panel on "Intro to RPG Design" run by Mark Richardson, whose game Headspace is currently being playtested with an eye to release soonish. Very pretty, I have to say.
Anyway, the panel was well attended and well received. We were able to give some suggestions on moving from idea to design and design to game. I think we may have been too broad in terms of what people might have expected to be covered, but it worked out well and people said they appreciated it.
Saturday: Saturday I worked in the booth a bit, but I started off the day with my "GMing as Women" panel, which was really well attended and turned out to be a fantastic event. If you're a woman and you're interested in GMing, you should do that! We are, and it's awesome. Look for a repeat performance next year, possibly split into social group-management aspects and game-related aspects.
From there I did a couple of short stints in the booth and hung out with my long-term bestie, Nicole, who came up for a couple of days with her friend Derek. It was so very good to see her again -- I've missed her like whoa. I wish we could have spent more time together, but we had booked an event that evening as we didn't know when she'd be in town exactly. It's okay, though -- we'll be doing it again soon.
After a quick dinner and parting hugs with Nicole, we went off to play Ragnarok: Fate of the Norns, which is a totally amazing game. It's rune based, and the graphic design is not only beautiful, but it's integral to the play experience. I cannot say enough how amazing this game is -- you should buy it, flat out. The game was really good, even if I was really tired by this point, and I enjoyed it immensely. From there we went back and crashed.
So Sunday morning I opened the booth while Matt ran his traditional Sunday morning game of Clay-o-rama for the kids track. We had a good opening run, and I handed off booth duties at noon, just in time for Matt and I to get lunch and go shopping!
This is a picture of our haul. We did a decent amount of shopping, and I was pretty thrilled with all the stuff we picked up. We wanted to get 7 Wonders, but they were sold out apparently by then, so we did without. I'm particularly excited by Atomic Robo -- everything I've seen from that I'm loving, and I plan to run it at some point. Yay games! Yay GenCon! :)
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