My birthday cake! or, Adventures in gateau de crepes
So, the first thing I learned about gateau de crepe is that this is not a one day cake. Like many things in French cooking, nothing is hard, but there's a lot of little steps. In this case, I started on Saturday making the crepe batter and the pastry cream (as both have to sit overnight). On Sunday, with my friend Cheyenne's help, we moved to assembly.
What you see off to the left is me spreading cream on what I think is about the sixth crepe in the stack.
And then we have something like the 12th crepe -- it's starting to look like a cake! The crepe on the plate by itself was a contender for Prettiest Crepe, which is the one you put on top.
And then getting close to done! It's a little lopsided here, but it's squishy so you can gentle push it back to vertical and it will stay.
Et voila! The finished cake!
Now, what you do with it, since that seems a bit simplistic if delicious, is it has to sit in the fridge overnight and firm up and sort of meld, and then you sprinkle sugar on the top crepe and brulee it, and then you slice it like a cake. I am very excited about this. So excited, in fact, that I needed to share it with all of you! Hooray birthday cake!
*Of course, Snowpocalypse means no gaming tonight, so argh.
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