New Game I'm Running-- Timewatch!

So not having run a game in a few years, but wanting to design a couple of Gumshoe hacks, I decided some time back that when our bi-weekly Monday gaming group hit the end of the most recent Promethean story (run by Matt) that I would throw my hat in the ring to run the next game.

I really wanted to do Bookhounds of London (a take on Trail of Cthulhu). The group agreed, albeit with some misgivings, but the more I sat with it, the more I realized that it just wasn't the right group for what I wanted to do with that game -- don't be a Book History scholar and run an evil books game for laymen, is what it basically boils down to. I'd spend my time excited over paper types and whatnot, and they'd be -- well, not as enthused, by and large. So instead I took that back and suggested running TimeWatch, and the idea was met with approval. We generated characters and then last week had our first session, albeit a slightly short one.


The characters are as follows: 

Jason McCullough (played by Matt Karafa), who was once a sheriff in the late Victorian era. He bears a marked resemblance to a well-known Hollywood actor, who also often starred in westerns. He's good at blending in and making friends, but his athleticism and shooting ability is where he really shines. His tether is known as Jake, and takes on the voice and manner of a crochety western movie sidekick. He typically has his PaciFist take on the form of a cigarette lighter, as appropriate. 

Solomon (played by Matt Homentotsky (aka Toasty)) was created in the 23rd century as a robot medic for humans. He's not very good at blending, but he's aces in making sure everyone gets home. His tether is his partner, Archimedes, who is always ready to take on new challenges. His PaciFist typically looks like a walking cane. 

Micah Holly (played by Matthew McFarland) was formerly an African-American drifter in the 1930s. As a young man he was a soldier in WWI and served with some distinction, but then he got into some trouble and did some time prior to recruitment by Timewatch. He's good with people, but his ability to be stealthy and reassuring at the same time is what really serves him best. His tether is Ella, who talks like a sweet and sassy secretary from the early 20th century. His PaciFist usually takes the form of a hand/wrist plaster cast. 

Kurosawa (played by Glen Gilmore) was once a samurai back in the 12th century. He does not blend, which oddly mean he sort of stands out equally everywhere, so it's okay. His name probably isn't Kurosawa, but he's not correcting people. He's quiet and competent. His tether takes on the persona of a deferential assistant named Hiro. His PaciFist takes the form of a wristwatch, always a luxury piece.  

Caroline Dean (played by Sarah Dyer) was a widowed 1950s housewife. Her sister got recruited originally, but she had nothing left after her husband's death, so she followed her sister into Timewatch as support staff. She's incredibly organized and level headed, but she hasn't really been able to shake her investment in her own time period. She's recently been promoted to field agent, so time will tell if she manages to move forward. Her tether takes on the perky voice of Mrs. Head, replicating the cheerful 1950s ads she loved. Her PaciFist looks like a small, tasteful shoulder purse. 


The group of agents came together after a summons from the Professor, as their supervisor likes to be called. He tells them that they've got a relatively simple assignment -- Edinburgh needs a safehouse for Timewatch agents installed, so they're accompanying a tech (Ronnie) to make sure he gets out and back safely. Safehouses blend both inside and out until you unlock their secrets, and most of it is automated, but a tech is necessary to make adjustments and oversee the process. Field agents don't have the training for it, so he's got to go. The place chosen is 1987 Edinburgh, in the Leith neighborhood of town. 

The vehicle they all travel in cloaks as a moving van and they all arrive relatively near where they're going. The neighborhood has obviously seen better days, but that's one of the things that makes the location good. They're off a main road, down not too far from the docs. They pull up and park streetside outside the address. It's uninhabited, in decent shape, and looks like they've hit the right moment. Kurosawa and Micah head in to check out the building and make sure it's clear. In the meantime, Jason, Solomon, Kurosawa, and Robbie all stay with the moving van -- Robbie's in the back making sure everything's set up right before they take the unit inside. 

Kurosawa and Micah look everything over, and it looks good. No people, nothing falling down. Everything's a bit dusty and musty, but the place is still for sale even if there aren't many takers in the part of town at this time. It's two stories plus a basement -- a reasonable residential building. Outside, Solomon has taken on the guise of an older man with a cane. He's standing beside the truck when a young street tough comes up to him, asking if he's got anything for sale, meaning drugs. Solomon does not get this, but responds that he does not. Taking in the young man's sorry clothing and generally strung out appearance, however, he offers the young man some of his petty cash. 

The young man, Eddie, is pleasantly surprised by Solomon's offer. Emboldened by his luck, he decides to just rob the old man in front of him (Solomon). He demands the rest of Solomon's cash, not believing when Solomon says he doesn't have any more. He calls over Reg, a big tough kid. Solomon looks at his group, who offer to help, but he says he's got this. Reg swings and connects, but Solomon (being a robot) isn't really hurt. He uses his PaciFist to trip Reg and knock him cold. 

At that moment, everyone hears sirens approaching. Jason looks around and sees a window curtain move across the street on the third floor. Eddie looks up, yells "Achtung!" to the rest of his gang, and they all take off, leaving poor Reg behind on the ground. Solomon is intrigued by the exclamation, as German isn't typically the sort of language you hear street toughs speaking in 1987 Edinburgh. Jason points out the window to Caroline, who in turn watches over Ronnie to make sure everything is going okay, and quickly. She realizes that's awfully fast for the cops to get here, so either they were nearby or something odd is going on. 

Kurosawa and Micah come out as the cops roll up. Two cops get out, wearing a standard uniform for the period and location. Micah gets over behind a stoop and fades into the shadows, just in case, while Kurosawa remains out of sight as well. Jason steps up, taking advantage of his law enforcement background, and starts talking with them to explain who they are and what they're doing here. 

As they come up, one of them helps get Reg up and to the car to go back to jail. The other starts talking to Jason about what they're doing here, and whether or not they have a permit to move in. Jason asks Jake if that's common hereabouts, and he says no. Parking permits for moving are one thing, but this is something else altogether. Backed up by Caroline, Jason turns it around and pretends to be inspecting THEM instead, asking for their verification (the old Eddie Murphy gambit). They buy it and are eager to get out of this situation -- a bit too eager, really. Micah notes that their accents sound funny, with almost a German tinge to them, even though they seem to be Scots. 

Anxious to get things started and get the safehouse in place, they all let the police leave. Micah and Kurosawa help Ronnie get the unit into the house, whereupon he tells them it'll be hours before it'll be calibrated and set up. There's not really anything they can do to help in the meantime other than hang around, so they agree to go get some food and do some investigating while they wait. They all head off, leaving Ronnie to set up on his own, looking for a place to get something to eat and figure out what's going on... and that's where we left it! Tune in next week for the next exciting adventure! 


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