Rising Waters, Season 2: Characters and Background.

So back in the day, I ran a Dresden Files RPG game. It was the first game I'd GMed in quite some time and I was really nervous, but it came out well, I think. You can read the write-ups here, if you want. It ran for 13 sessions and wrapped the first "season" pretty well. (I like to use the TV show metaphor for planning games -- it helps me get a handle on character arcs and such.)

That was before my MA exams -- god, back in 2010. But now, here in 2014, most of those players are still in the weekly group, and they're still wanting to play in the next installment of this game. Plus I've got two new people, both of whom are excited. With everyone on board, let slip the corgis of adventure!


Anyway, so some background: This group has chosen Baltimore as its city, though not the Baltimore writeup in the core book. This Baltimore's problems include it being a last stand of the Black Court, having demons in the driver's seat, and there there's monsters out in the deep. Also, contracts are a thing around here (read the fine print) and the walls between the worlds are thin, so it's a crossroads in all sorts of ways. 20 Minutes from Anywhere is one of the city aspects. So there's a nexus of stuff, but it's a decent enough old town despite everything, and this is where the characters keep all their stuff, so they're invested.

We got about halfway through chargen last night, getting concept and trouble and phases and skills in place. This game is set six months after the last one, so I used the phases to not only fill the downtime but to integrate the new characters with the old ones as well. We're using the Dresden Files RPG amended for Fate Core, so we're streamlining things slightly -- using Will as the magic casting stat rather than Discipline and Conviction, for example. I used hacks I found online and we'll find out way through the rest of it as we go, at least until Evil Hat releases an official update. We still need to assign powers and what not, but we're doing that in two weeks. I'm putting up concepts here, and I'll give fuller stats once we've finished chargen.

So, the characters:

Ezekiel "Zeke" Akahuen: Zeke's got a semi-permanent ridealong going on with Sauriel, an angel, who has undertake to elevate a worthy human into being a perfect instrument of God's divine will -- except, of course, that Zeke does not always agree with God's will, and thus the two have to find ways to agree to disagree. Zeke can call on power, but doing so is striking a bargain with Sauriel, which is never string-free -- except it's all good for you, right?

Eldi: Eldi is a dewdrop fairy who's living in an herb store with a very nice human lady named Hui. Nobody's quite sure how she got there -- and in fact, very few people realize she is there. It's easy to be overlooked when you're not even a foot tall. Playing any kind of true fae is typically beyond what DFRPG lets you do, but I'm bending the rules here because both the player and I really like her take on it, and she's wildfae, so she's not beholden to any of the courts.

Uno Dextler: Uno's a lovely lad who's got some mom problems -- he's a changeling who's the Summer Lady's Knight (We allowed for more than one knight). His mom is summer court sidhe, though, and wants him to make the choice (and choose fae). Of course, if he chooses fae, then he can't be a Summer Knight anymore, and that'll really annoy the Summer Lady. Decisions, decisions, decisions. In the meantime, he's a student at Johns Hopkins.

Viktor (he has a last name, I just don't have it in front of me): Victor's a White Council Wizard whose specialty is monster hunting, with a focus in demons. He's come to town to help suss out Baltimore's ongoing demon activity. He's Russian by birth and upbringing, and he had a close call with demonic exploitation as a youth -- which luckily he was saved from. He has some self-image problems as a result, though.

Adia Grier: Adia is just this girl, a former gymnast (who now teaches) who can see and talk to ghosts and is unusually good at being sneaky. Adia's also got an ex, Mickey, who tried to sell her to demons once. This put a damper on their relationship, but she somehow keeps getting drawn back to him through circumstance, even though she's vowed never again. She's acquired a new ghost friend who's always around, and it's Josh, the younger brother of Dylan -- killed in Afghanistan.

Dylan Shelby, Ph.D.: Dylan is a physics prof at Johns Hopkins University who woke up one day to find a book that had been delivered to him, that translated the music of the spheres into modern physics. He ended up as a kinetomancer and gets lost in the math sometimes, trying to make it all work out. He tries to act as kind of a go-between and lookout for students on his campus who get mixed up in the crazy supernatural world, but lately his attention has been slipping as he's been devoting more and more time to his studies.

And that's the rough picture of our cast. More to come!


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