Post-semester update post!

I'm done with the semester! This puts me at the end of my first semester of PhD coursework... which looks a lot like my Masters coursework, except that a) I have more teaching responsibility, b) I seem somehow to have managed to get myself together more thoroughly, and c) I can see sort of a sea-change in my academic writing. Something took, I think, and I'm managing to engage more thoroughly with my research topics and moving more toward primary sources, which is what I'm supposed to be doing, so that's all to the good.

My house plans for the summer thus far include:
1) Clean and decorate the bedroom, including art on the walls and curtains.
2) Clean the library, including reclaiming my desk from my knitting and random stuff piled there.
3) Get the hole from the old iron stove fixed, even if it won't be beautiful.
4) Clean out the remaining cabinets that haven't been touched since before I moved in and get more usable storage space out of it.
5) Get at least one of the flowerbeds not looking like an overgrown vacant lot.
6) Fix the screen door so we don't have to slam it to close it.

 My academic plans for the summer thus far include:
1) Write a letter of recommendation for my student
2) Study Latin -- attempt translation by the end of the summer.
3) Teach the class I'm being paid to teach (I need another post about this).
4) Get my last-year's ASECS paper worked up for submission for the journal.
5) Possibly brush up another paper or two.
6) Write some pieces for the EGSA website
7) Start making stabs at a tentative reading list.

My work plans for the summer include:
1) Write the sourcebook for Seattle for Interface Zero
2) Go to Origins.
3) Go to GenCon.
4) Go to Toronto Fan Expo.
5) Finish revisions to my short story for the ctd anthology.
6) Start working on M0arPIGz!
7) Edit Demon: the ???.

Yeah. That's a list. And across and above all of that -- spend time with my sons, who are coming out to visit at the beginning of July and staying until the end of August. Some of these things may not get done. It makes me sad to ponder it, but it is the way of things. However, this semester I accomplished more and, I think, more successfully, than I ever have before. I owe a lot of that to Matt, but not all of it. I think, really, that now that I have an actual support base, I'm just managing to get better at knowing my limitations and working within them, which ironically makes me more successful at life and less limited by them. Overall, it's a very good thing.


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