Sandra Bland

Sandra Bland. A professional woman who'd gotten a job in student outreach at her alma mater in Texas. She looks like someone who would be good at that, doesn't she? She's got a great smile, good taste, and friendly eyes. Sadly, pictures are all we have to go on anymore, because she's dead. She's not the first black woman or man to be killed in police custody for doing nothing in particular wrong in the first place. She joins a long line of what are by this point martyrs. The list is too long and varied at this point not to acknowledge it, stretching back centuries and renewing itself unwillingly on a daily basis. We deny it at our peril, all of us -- and by us, I mean the people who don't live this reality daily and thus don't have to recognize it. It's our "privilege," by which I mean our fault. An African-American friend of mine, someone I admire, tweeted about how he was really nervous about driving his family cross country to visit hi...