
My dear readers, I am greatly happy to be able to post again. I was paddling my little boat along when suddenly a great wave of Grad School and Work came along and swamped me, and I've been bailing furiously ever since. I've just now gotten my head above water again. The final effort was a recitation from Cicero's First Catalinian Oration, lines 4-17, for my Latin 201 class yesterday. I am happy to say that I have survived it and now in some circles can be considered a real student of Latin. Apparently this is a traditional torture inflicted on Latin students once they get far enough in their studies. You can see you tube videos of it if you look. One person in my class even wore a toga-ish garment. I was not that dedicated.

Of course, naturally once one finishes a great work, one gets sick. I have no voice today, so my talking has been curtailed and instead I am using my online voice to write a post! I hope to actually write a couple of posts today -- I'm dreadfully behind on my DFA playtest reports and actual play summaries, and I've got another session on Monday. I've also got a meeting on Monday with my adviser to turn over an outline of my dissertation, and I've got editing and reading and everything else to do. Tonight we're having some friends over for snacks and such, and we're watching Halloween, as it's up in the rotation and I've never seen it -- something that seems wrong given my interest in gothic and horror-y stuff.

In other news, we have a Kickstarter going and I'm developing this book. I'm really excited about how it's coming together, and it looks like we're going to fund if all continues its proper trajectory. I've got to get some more work off my plate this week/weekend so I can start the redlines on the drafts next week, but I should be able to do that. In the meantime, I'll try to get back to a more regular posting schedule so that I can subject you to dissertation prep and game stuff and all that goodness once more. Hugs to all of you, dear readers.


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